"American Indians: Cultures in Motion" / "Индейцы Америки: культуры в движении"

Open lecture of Andrew Wiget, PhD, Professor Emeritus of New Mexico State University.

Наука 16+

This lecture provides a broad introduction to the dynamic cultural development of North American Indian peoples, with a principal focus on historical change processes among Indian tribes of today’s United States.   We begin by briefly reviewing indigenous settlement of and cultural adaptation to the enormous variety of regional biomes in North America and the emergence of trade networks and complex social organizations.  Then we assess the transformative impact of different forms of colonization and state policies on Indian peoples, including displacements, acculturation, the reconfiguration of sociopolitical structures, and identity formation.  We conclude with a look at how Indian communities have responded to significant issues emerging in the last 50 years, including urbanization, the cultural renaissance, political activism, extractive industries, gender politics, cultural appropriation, and repatriation. 

ANDREW WIGET, Professor Emeritus of New Mexico State University, worked for many years among American Indian communities.  He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and books on American Indian oral traditions, and co-author with Olga Balalaeva of "Khanty, People of the Taiga: Surviving the Twentieth Century" (2010), based on their twenty years of Siberian ethnographic fieldwork together.


1124 дня назад
22 марта 2021 16:00–18:00

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